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Marketing campaigns

At Popart Films we create marketing videos that are creative, stunning, and most of all – persuasive. Our goal is to help your business stand out from the competition. Stop the scrolling and fixate on YOUR product or service amidst all the noise.


Corporate videos

Popart Films is a full-service production company that specializes in creating engaging and effective corporate training, learning and onboarding videos. Our team of experienced professionals will work with you to develop a video strategy that meets your unique needs and helps you achieve your business goals. Contact us today to learn more!

Event coverage

Planning to make an event video that stands out from the rest and looks like you spent millions of dollars on it? Look no further than Popart Films. We specialize in creating stunning events videos that will show you know how to put on a spectacular event!


Social Media Ads

Popart Films creates the most engaging scroll stopping content on earth! We know how to present your business and products in a way that stands out from the crowd and places you as a leader in your industry! 

Creative DevelopmenT

We work with our clients to concept, script, and visualize video projects. We have some amazingly creative minds on our team.


So many things can go wrong on-set, which is why we believe preparation is king. Our team manages logistics, casting, locations, and gets a handle on all the complexity that goes into filmmaking.


We’ve developed a world-class team that can shape-shift to your project’s scope. From cast and crew of fifty people to a one-man-band, we turn that imagined storyboard into real footage.

Event Capture

We’re there at your event. Boots on the ground. Lights, microphones, cameras,  and you supply the action!


Once it’s in the can, we dig deep to find the best story. So much of this work happens in the post-production process.


Color correction, sound design & mix, subtitles, closed captioning, packaging, and delivering to the world. Nuts to bolts.